
Online course retention, How do I keep the class interested?

Retaining students in an online course...

Ah, ee, oh!
We had a "Chat-n-Chew" on this subject recently and faculty had lots to say.
Here were some suggestions...

Dean Ganio
"Assess Frequently!"
When students are being engaged and graded on material often,
they are more engaged and have less chance disapearing from a course that only recquires a small number of assignments from the students.

Iman Elginbehi
"Email students a week before the course begins"
To make sure students have the book & login information, it is important to contact your students at least a week before class starts so they will be rarin' to go on the first day of your course.

William Sheldon
Make Announcements often
Keeping students up to date with tasks and due dates and thinking, as well as respond to email
within a day during the workweek.

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